donderdag 29 juli 2010

Sponsored Wijchen Schaatst

maandag 19 juli 2010

The Dutch School of Photography is sponsored by:

New series of Workshops with Henk van Kooten | ‘The Concept of Family’

Theme: ‘The Concept of Family’

A set of six workshop, all related to family-photography.
By far the most interesting part of social photography.
Henk will demonstrate all the inns and outs of the concept,
the lighting, the posing, the composition and the finishing (post-production).

The workshops will all have the same structure:
- the theory and vision
the customer type and way of communication
the inspiration
the proposed concept
explain why and how
the bodylanguage
the story behind the image
the stylist and make-up artist
- the photoshoot (only Henk will demonstrate, no other photography is allowed)
setup of the light
how to communicate during the photoshoot
using the family as inspiration
‘reading’ the bodylanguage
posing and composition
creative extra
- the postproduction and printing
raw file correction, color balance
conversion to tiff
cleaning and softing the skin
black and white
plug inns
choice of paper and how to print
So there is no need to take your camera with you.
To learn is more part of this workshop. It is not a masterclass.
It is based on knowledge and inspiration.
Real learning is not making a copy, but motivate yourself.

The six workshops each will be different in handling these concepts.

Workshops to come:
1. Young family (children in the age of 2-10 years)
2. Pregnancy
3. Baby
4. Teenage children (11-18 years)
5. Adults (18+)
6. Old people (grandparents)

Part One:
Young family
Models: 3 children and a daddy
Date: 2nd of august
Place: Studio of Henk van Kooten
Max of participants: 10
Costs: € 95,00 (excl 19% BTW)

Time scedule:
08.30-09.00 Arriving, coffee, tea
09.00-10.00 Theory and vision
10.00-11.00 Introduction models & Photoshoot
11.00-11.30 Break
11.30-12.30 Postproduction and Printing
12.30-13.30 Informal ending with sandwich

How to be part of this unique event:

Signing in is based on first come.
Your confirmation is only official after payment.
Signing in is possible:
Email your details to
Amount of participants
And the name of this workshop / course code: Young Family
Go to the website:
Go to: course and look for the : Workshop Young Family
Go to: sign in

maandag 12 juli 2010

Planning Dierendagen 2010

Je maakt telefonisch of per email een afspraak voor een fotoshoot.
Er wordt hiervoor maximaal een half uur gereserveerd.
1 huisdier evt in combinatie met 1 persoon.
Het huisdier mag dus een hond | kat | schildpad | konijn | cavia | slang etc zijn.
Bij aanmelding ontvangt u van ons een voucher t.w.v € 50,00 korting op de opnamekosten van € 175,00. Het kost nu dus slechts € 125,00
Van 1 foto een afdruk van 20 / 20 cm & 2 x 10 / 10 cm

Voor het uitzoeken van de foto’s maken we een afspraak op een andere dag.
Bel en boek gelijk!!

Voorbeelden van dieren-fotografie:
zie de website :
ga naar : portfolio I dieren

photography for Introdans by Henk van Kooten

bevroren bewegingen
het beeld van de emotie
een beeldende boodschap
in een wereld van verlangen

frozen motion
the image of the emotion
a visual message
In a world of desire

dancer | Patricia van Deutekom
choreographer | Adriaan Luteijn

donderdag 1 juli 2010

Eveninglecture with Simon John | 28 june 2010

Simon John
June 28th 2010


The Dutch School was really happy to have a creative genious like Simon John,
doing a talk for the DSoP.
His talk was about the theme:
The Art and Reality of a Modern Social Studio

Not a standard talk, but a typical Simon way.
Using his jokes normally in England, now in Holland it was slightly different.
Still it worked very well in achieving an audience that was taking in all he was saying.
To make a good ” kind of what Simon was talking about writing “ I will put a line-up here:
- photography is about trust
- customers will come back for the second, third etc time
- branding, your name, your style, your photography
- art / making money / sience, the combination works better than the parts alone
- how do you see yourself and how does the customers sees you
- how to distinguish yourself from other photographers
- the differences between an amature and a pro:
the story
shape and composition
- male and female shape to see and use:
male ... the v
female ... the curve
- see the idea and than turn it upside down, is a way of changing and challenging yourself
- do not just copy
- if you want to achieve something:
do NOT go for the WHY
GO for the HOW
- inspiration is for Simon based on
visiting a gallery
- it help if your attitude is enthousiastic
- Simon is working a lot in the system of:
(brainstorming, creating and shooting)
- promote your studio with more clever words:
if Simon sells his cd with images to a customer (if !), he makes it special by mentioning the value in a different way. So the cd is not just a piece of plastic. He says:
this cd contains images that are the result of 25 years of experience.
He says not photoshop, but editing.
Not pictures but images.

Simon used a film and a slideshow to demonstrate his work.
Answered questions

Time was gone really fast .
Simon made everybody realise that we still are something that is a profession in
the future .

The after-‘party’ was a good summer-evening relaxing ending.


Like mentioned already, we are working on new themes already.
We will update everybody in time.
In the meantime we hope that everybody will be the ambassador of the DSoP.
We already have over 375 registered photographers, that are fully updated for upcoming events. We are concidering a monthly newsletter, that will be send through our website.

Next we will have a workshop:
The Family (part one): Young Family
Henk van Kooten will do a workshop with a family: Mom Dad and two young children
- the family, slideshow and vision, marketing and sales
- styling, preparation
- photoshoot, demonstration with family
- digital imaging and output

Full Programme and dates will come.
We have only 10 places a day
Costs : € 95,00 (excl 19% BTW)

See you all soon again!
Henk van Kooten