donderdag 29 april 2010
donderdag 22 april 2010
Het portret... - A cinematic portrayal of photographer
nul10productie — 28 februari 2010 — A cinematic portrayal of photographer Henk van Kooten, in which we get acquainted with the artist and his work, his views on photography and the way in which his work is established.
Een filmisch portret van fotograaf Henk van Kooten, waarin wij kennis maken met de kunstenaar en zijn werk, zijn kijk op fotograferen en de manier waarop zijn werk tot stand komt.
Un portrait cinématographique du photographe Henk van Kooten, dans lequel nous faisons connaissance avec lartiste et son travail, sa conception de la photographie et sa demarche jusquà ce que son travail aboutisse.
Eine cinematic Schilderung des Photographen Henk van Kooten, in der wir bekannt mit dem Künstler und seins Arbeit, seine Ansichten über Fotographie und die Weise erhalten, in denen seine Arbeit hergestellt wird.
nul10productie — 28 februari 2010 — A cinematic portrayal of photographer Henk van Kooten, in which we get acquainted with the artist and his work, his views on photography and the way in which his work is established.
Een filmisch portret van fotograaf Henk van Kooten, waarin wij kennis maken met de kunstenaar en zijn werk, zijn kijk op fotograferen en de manier waarop zijn werk tot stand komt.
Un portrait cinématographique du photographe Henk van Kooten, dans lequel nous faisons connaissance avec lartiste et son travail, sa conception de la photographie et sa demarche jusquà ce que son travail aboutisse.
Eine cinematic Schilderung des Photographen Henk van Kooten, in der wir bekannt mit dem Künstler und seins Arbeit, seine Ansichten über Fotographie und die Weise erhalten, in denen seine Arbeit hergestellt wird.
New Reflector and the Leica S2

This Image is taken with the Leica S2.
F=11 70mm 1/125sec studioflash.
Using a new kind of reflector: Mola.
(Transcontinenta, Netherlands)
The face is softened a little bit.
No further retouching done.
Black and white conversion done with NikSoftware
Silver Efex Pro.
Printed beautiful on Epson UltraSmootFineArtPaper
with the Epson 11880.
By the way: this is Christina, my wife.
woensdag 21 april 2010

MasterClass Vincent O’Byrne
April 12th 2010
A full day programme of Vincent O’Byrne, teaching 4 photographers
- working out a idea
- how to pose a model
- using rectangular softboxes
- using a top light
- looking at the shadows
- photoshop.... setting free from background etc
- great model to work with
- certificates
- A2 prints on Epson Ultra Smooth Fine Art Paper
This was Vincents own result, also to reward the model:
Again he proves how innovative he is.
He soon will have an exhibition in Holland.
Starting in may 2010
Place to be : KOS Gallerie
Verrenieuwstraat 32
4301 HZ Zierikzee
Tel 0031 (0) 111 41 49 12
A real fantastic way of learning.
Vincent was really to the point in the teaching.
First demonstrated the differences and than it was handson.
Each person got ½ an hour to do the shoot.
In the preparation the weeks before they all got instructutions what to do.
To prepare yourself in an idea.
Using the separate part to make a new image-story.
Like Vincent was saying:
Think it is an empty room and you are going to put things in this place to tell a story.
The results were stunning and totally different.
Everybody left totally happy, having an A2 print of there work.
Included a signed certificate.
This is how a masterclass must be. Not just showing but also doing.
Vieuw the student-results on the news page from http://www.dutchschoolofphotography.com
donderdag 15 april 2010
woensdag 7 april 2010
The concept of reflecting and the use of a new composition.
zaterdag 3 april 2010
How was the Eveninglecture with Eddy van Wessel 29 march 2010?
March 29th 2010
Lecture by Eddy van Wessel
Eddy came in our studio at about 2.30 pm.
After a long travel from Sweden.
Meeting the Sponsors was something special.
His story is known, and unknown.
Nik Software’s Julia had a huge surprise for Eddy.
The complete collection of Nik Software.
Eddy was really happy for he loves the software.
Ok, everybody came in at about 6.30 pm.
And at 7 we started the introduction.
Henk explained the new setup of the Dutch School.
Sponsors are really going along with us for one year.
Special to mention that Nikon is the head sponsor of the DsoP.
On the website we are pushing a communication in the Sponsors part.
Special Offers, Stories about products, manufactoring, photography etc etc
Will be exposed on this part:
Also our new webshop launch of the henkvankooten.com website.
New products and downloads to make.
And than the introduction of Eddy van Wessel.
His Amazing history of photography and what triggers him.
Eddy choose for the system to have a slow slideshow running behind him, while he was talking about himself and his vision about photography.
The images were standing on hold for 10 seconds so everybody could feel the impact.
The war is not something to look at without feeling a melancholic depression.
Eddy just started to talk and the questions came up. About the why and how, about the danger, the not making money, the passion and emotion.
About feelings, the story.
People that were put in amazing compostions and light, with conditions that were extremely difficult.
It was not just a photographic talent to look at, also a human communication
Eddy told:
If the feeling in the image is there, it is ok.
(dsop: the same with wedding, portraiture, fashion etc. So it is for all photography the same principle)
Only black and white..... a choice of Eddy.
Basicly Eddy explains in this photography his aproach is coming from an interest in human, in everything. It opens people without conviction.
(dsop: again, it works the same in every photoshoot, every wedding. Questions like.. what are you doing, how old are you, what is important in your life etc etc)
So what is the truth. The image-story, the light, the compostion
To see Eddy breaking rules. No details in the black if it is not doing good to the image.
Eddy went on and on. Everybody was amazed and inspired at the same time.
A magnificent talk, beyond what was possible.
At the same time Eddy was doing his talk, he was on tele. You still can see this : http://www.veronicatv.nl/web/show/id=445551/langid=43/media=159716/page=1
After seeing his movie on television, I was very emotional.
This man shows more than just an image. It is a way of life to let people feel what happens in this world.
So what is your story
Is it sharp or unsharp
Is it black or white
It is what it is
And of course thanks to the sponsors!
Lecture by Eddy van Wessel
Eddy came in our studio at about 2.30 pm.
After a long travel from Sweden.
Meeting the Sponsors was something special.
His story is known, and unknown.
Nik Software’s Julia had a huge surprise for Eddy.
The complete collection of Nik Software.
Eddy was really happy for he loves the software.
Ok, everybody came in at about 6.30 pm.
And at 7 we started the introduction.
Henk explained the new setup of the Dutch School.
Sponsors are really going along with us for one year.
Special to mention that Nikon is the head sponsor of the DsoP.
On the website we are pushing a communication in the Sponsors part.
Special Offers, Stories about products, manufactoring, photography etc etc
Will be exposed on this part:
Also our new webshop launch of the henkvankooten.com website.
New products and downloads to make.
And than the introduction of Eddy van Wessel.
His Amazing history of photography and what triggers him.
Eddy choose for the system to have a slow slideshow running behind him, while he was talking about himself and his vision about photography.
The images were standing on hold for 10 seconds so everybody could feel the impact.
The war is not something to look at without feeling a melancholic depression.
Eddy just started to talk and the questions came up. About the why and how, about the danger, the not making money, the passion and emotion.
About feelings, the story.
People that were put in amazing compostions and light, with conditions that were extremely difficult.
It was not just a photographic talent to look at, also a human communication
Eddy told:
If the feeling in the image is there, it is ok.
(dsop: the same with wedding, portraiture, fashion etc. So it is for all photography the same principle)
Only black and white..... a choice of Eddy.
Basicly Eddy explains in this photography his aproach is coming from an interest in human, in everything. It opens people without conviction.
(dsop: again, it works the same in every photoshoot, every wedding. Questions like.. what are you doing, how old are you, what is important in your life etc etc)
So what is the truth. The image-story, the light, the compostion
To see Eddy breaking rules. No details in the black if it is not doing good to the image.
Eddy went on and on. Everybody was amazed and inspired at the same time.
A magnificent talk, beyond what was possible.
At the same time Eddy was doing his talk, he was on tele. You still can see this : http://www.veronicatv.nl/web/show/id=445551/langid=43/media=159716/page=1
After seeing his movie on television, I was very emotional.
This man shows more than just an image. It is a way of life to let people feel what happens in this world.
So what is your story
Is it sharp or unsharp
Is it black or white
It is what it is
And of course thanks to the sponsors!
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