woensdag 24 februari 2010

Markree Castle Guy Gowen’s weekend Event 19-20 and 21 february 2010

Markree Castle Guy Gowen’s weekend Event
19-20 and 21 february 2010

New way of doing workshops organised by Guy Gowan.
In a place close to Sligo, Ireland. In a Castle, the Markree Castle.
Arriving at Markree Castle friday the 19th of february, in the late afternoon was like driving into a ferrytale.
The beauty of the nature, the landscape, and the old castle.
A perfect location to have a small group of photographers ready to learn different kind of photographic approaches.
Vincent O’Byrne and the concept of thinking in an idea. Using a nude model like most of his work shows in his artistic approach.
Hoss Photography, doing a way more commercial approach of portraiture.
Not so much based on creativity, but on the basics of lighting and posing.
And me, doing a masterclass about how to use a cliche to trigger you into new and more creative posing, cropping and lighting.
Of course the photographers needed to do the photography themselves.
So friday evening, dinner, meeting up with the participants, lots of talking.
Saturday was the first day of the workshops.
In groups of six everybody went into the different parts of the castle.
I prepared clothes and styling already at home.
Also I prepared a concept about: the mother, the careerwoman and the sexbom.
Just to be sure I could go easy in the shoot and set the minds of the ‘students’.
To make everybody less stressed to stand in front of everybody, I started with introductions.
Everybody than got time to go into the shoot.
Time was a big problem, for we had to be ready in three hours.
Still it surprised me how each of the photographers came with original ideas and how easy I could help them with changing light, posing, expressions and cropping.
I did some shots as a starter to show how you can evolve yourself in the proces of the prepared concept.
At the end I also analysed everybodies attitude in the photoshoots.
A reflection that was nice to show how they can be percieved by a customer.
The weekend was fenomenal. There was a filmcrew to interview people, to show the atmosphere and to show the workshops.
A magnificent idea to go on in the future.
A learningcurve what is way more bigger than in normal workshops.
Also the evenings that gives you the possability to talk about the life of photography, the openess to reflect eachother.
Guy did a mindset, he created the atmosphere that makes you feel special.
As I was telling him: his event breathes, smells, heares and lives photography.
A lifetime experience.

Henk van Kooten

dinsdag 16 februari 2010

Me at work....

i've got this amazing image from Cristina Sanchez, we love it!!!!.It is typical me and christina at work.....

zondag 14 februari 2010

Avondlezing 29 maart met Eddy van Wessel.Beeld en Emotie...

Aanmelden avondlezing via info@dutchschoolofphotography.com

Beeld en Emotie

Wat moet ik zeggen om Eddy te introduceren?
Een persoonlijkheid. Gevoelig, integer, groot gevoel voor rechtvaardigheid.
Kwetsbaar, gepassioneerd, maar een fenomenaal vakman.
We kennen Henri Cartier-Bresson, we kennen Robert Cappa, we kennen James Nachtwey.
Maar zeker hoort Eddy van Wessel in dit rijtje.
Zijn foto’s spreken diezelfde taal, hebben zijn signatuur, zien zijn dilemma’s.
Deze avond wordt tevens weer een verbinding tussen de verschillende fotografie-vormen. Beeld en Emotie zijn in alle fotografie elementen die meespelen. Interessant is de echtheids-vraag. Of de intimiteit van het moment.
Ook zullen we werk van Eddy afdrukken en laten zien op verschillende papier-soorten.

Eddy over de avondlezing:
“Ik wil graag ingaan op het gevoel in de foto' dus afgezien van de compositie dingen die je kunt gebruiken om de emotie te laten communiceren.
Oftewel, hoe neem je het gevoel van het moment mee in je foto.
Daarnaast compositie en kracht, waar laat je het publiek naar kijken en wat betekend dat voor de foto”.

“Apparatuur en de mythe daaromheen, je camera is een manier van leven, wat heb je echt nodig?”

Dan: Soundslides:presentatie van zijn werk met multimedia en/of geluid.


Eddy van Wessel
1965 Huizen

Sinds 1985 werkzaam in de fotografie, eerste jaren als commercieel fotograaf maar al snel als fotojournalist.

Publiceert in dagblad Trouw en reportages voor Vrij Nederland ,verder in de buitenlandse media o.a.(Stern, Paris-Match, Le monde, de Washington Post Magazine)

Komt sinds 1991 in Conflict gebiedenen, waaronder Bosnie, Kosovo, Tsjetsjenie, Gaza, Afghanistan.
Trok in 2003 met de eerste troepen richting Baghdad en blijft deze regio frequent bezoeken.

Tijdens deze conflicten gaat van Wessel op zoek naar de kracht van het (over) leven gebundeld in het project “the Edge of Civilization”.
De nadruk van zijn fotografie richt zich op lange termijn fotoreportages waardoor nieuwsbeelden in geschiedenis veranderen.

“the Edge of Civilization” neemt je mee naar o.a. Tsjetsjenie, Gaza, Israël, Iran, Irak, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Georgië.

Het werk van van Wessel is vele malen bekroond in binnen en buitenland , waaronder 2x fotograaf vh jaar.
Zijn werk van wordt internationaal geexposeerd.

1996 Dutch photographer of the year
1996 and 1997 Severel nominations (e.g. Zilveren Camera)
1998 TLC Top Photo Web-Site Award
1999 3rd. price Dutch Photopress Award
1999 Zilveren Camera 3rd price foreign news series
2004 1st. price Dutch Press Photo Awards.

Eddy van Wessel werkt momenteel vanuit Zweden.

maandag 1 februari 2010

Workshop La Coruna Spain

Workshop La Coruna, 26 & 27 th of January 2010

Un poco extraño pero bonito
Acerca de conceptos y proyectos

(a little strange but beautyfull / about concepts and projects)

Another workshop that was a fantastic experience.
In the beautyfull city of La Coruna, the workshop was during the two days
in the amazing conference centre of Palexco.
Spain is different from other countries. The people – photographers are unlimited willing to learn. Every second is taken for important. The purity and openminded way of thinking shows in there evolving photography.
We arrived on the 24th of January at the small airport of La Coruna.
Pablo and Jose picked us up from there.
In the evening we met the ‘translator’ Diaro, a very good photographer from Barcelona.
And of course we were introduced to lots more : Jose’s wife Maria, Pablos wife Raquel and the most beautyfull old man Eliseo.
As much as I am do a school trying to learn Spanish, this is to much.
So I was happy to have Dario around us.
His English was unbelievable good.
Christina was with me to help and do the styling and make up.
The Monday was used to prepare and test.
Setting the Hasselblad, preparing the studio equipment, testing the slideshows and music. Microphones to speak etc etc
Jose and his team of Foto Artus were almost “dead” at the end of the day.
I was very happy that Muel (photographer from Gijon, and a very good friend)
Came over to see us. He is so close to what I feel that we can finish our words.
Tuesday was the start at 10 o’clock.
The programme was made in the vision of the theme.
Basicley I wanted a combination.
Doing four photoshoots ( two each day), it was nice to make connections to slideshow and talking about the why and hows.
Still the scedule was tight and in Spain, scedules change always.
To be flexible is a must.
Everything went very good.
The photoshop and printing was really good to do.
To see output is important.
Using the Nik Software towards black and white, the Dynamic Skinsoftner, The Polaroid Transfer......... good to demonstrate.
The vision of how to look at human shape and bodylanguage is of course my thing.
First we did the photoshoot of a weddingcouple. Outside location, using the entrence of a parking garage, in the shadow, also a huge red wall, aswell as a staircase.
Just have a look at the pictures.
Second shoot was a studioshoot with a ‘fashion-couple’.
The mystery is than something else.
Using strong colours and deep black and whites.
This tuesday ended at 8 pm.
In the evening again good food and nice talks.
The hotel was almost in the towncentre and was really relaxed to be.
The wednesday 27th again a full programme, and complete change of scedule for the photoshoots had to be on different times.
A shoot of two young children (brother/sister) that were accomplished by there grandmother. A difficult thing with young children. Not speaking there language, a very much (too, but understandable)) helping grandmother, did made the little bit anxious children difficult to be photographed.
But we managed.
Last shoot was a young familiy, with children of about 6-8 years old.
They were really cool.
Anyway, we had some good photoshoots to demonstrate.
Dario made his fantastic translation complete by even translating my Spanish line into Spanish.... Realising this stupid moment, we looked at eachother and could not stop laughing.
Combined with slideshow, show how to work on a project, make marketing work, it was after my last slideshow I realised I gave everything and was very emotional. Not expected to get this standing ovation.
Lots of photographers were buying my book dvd, and I was asked quite a lot to be on the picture with them.
Yes, appreciation is something everybody needs. And in this atmosphere it ment a lot to me.

The hospitality, having new friends, have no words to express my feelings.

Worked out the pictures in different ways. Looks cool ...

Henk van Kooten

( look at ; http://www.henkvankooten.com/fhp/project.cfm?id=97&taal=031&site=fhp for the complete portfolio!)