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Henk van Kooten
vrijdag 7 oktober 2011
woensdag 22 juni 2011
Avondlezing met Pierre Delauny 18 juli 2011
Het is ons gelukt om Pierre Delaunay vast te leggen voor een avondlezing. Pierre ken ik al enige jaren met het jureren in de Europese Federatie. Hij vertegenwoordigt Frankrijk hierin. Met beperkt Engels weet hij toch veel uit te leggen, maar voor een avondlezing vindt hij dat niet genoeg.
Pierre had dit jaar een speciale lezing voor het Europese Congres in Lyon. Iets bijzonders omdat het congres dit jaar in zijn eigen land plaatsvond. Unaniem werd dit als ‘fantastisch’ ervaren. ‘Emotioneel en prachtig’. Pierre had later een demonstratie gegeven in een hal van een hotel, waarbij het leek of hij zo maar wat mee-fotografeerde terwijl een bruidspaar de trap afliep. Iedereen was verbijsterd toen ze zagen dat iedere opname raak was. Dit jaar stond er al een uitgebreid interview over Pierre in de PF.
Kijk voor uitgebreide informatie op hier kun je een pdf downloaden en je inschrijven.
Tevens kun je bekijken op de sponsorpagina wie deze lezingen mogelijk maakt.
Mis het niet!
woensdag 11 mei 2011
awards IPPA 2011
This year 'The Irish Professional Photographers Association' has opened its doors to International members.
They run four heats of judging throughout the year, culminating in the Awards Presentation Dinner in early January 2012.
The first heat took place in Dublin last Monday evening.
I am delighted to announce, that Master photographer, Henk van Kooten, achieved
2 Diamonds, 4 Golds and 2 Silvers, in the disciplines of Contemporary Wedding, Portrait
and Open Art and Creativity.
This achievement automatically secures Henk's place in the finals next December.
Said Chairperson of the judging, Vincent O'Byrne, "I am absolutely delighted that our
International members have achieved so highly in the first quarter. They will be a force to be reckoned
with throughout the coming season and indeed in the future".
The IPPA is the official body for Professional Photography in Ireland.
dinsdag 10 mei 2011
woensdag 12 januari 2011
The concept of family | Nikon ZOOM experience 2010
The Concept of Family
A story of life.
A lifetime.
Photographed in a bed.
Awareness of moments.
Just stop in your own image.
A lifetime.
I am ...
The empty bed represents the beginning, an empty place.
It is not a photographic symbolism of form without content
I am conception
From nothing comes something.
A conception, creation.
Man and woman, begetting a thing, a human life.
Sex, love, survival?
I am expecting
As then conceived, the expectation is growing.
A growth, growth of a baby in the belly.
Man and woman.
A big belly.
Where the fusion developed a singularity.
Forecast, pregnancy.
I am born
Whe are two, three, four in this case.
Expand, growing as a group, a family.
Where expectations become reality.
How special two cells have developed to a man.
Safety, responsibility.
But together.
Become a photographic cross.
I am family
Bigger with more identity.
Together as a whole from parts.
I am trouble
If larger identites struggle, an awareness can be
Your own place, your self, you loose.
Puberty with pimples, his selfishness, are uncertain.
Almost everything is in contact, but goes its own way.
The conflict of family life can create a dying of beauty.
Simultaneously a beauty of individuality that has developed.
I am content
The teenagers have grown up and have abandoned the nest.
Remains the
ex-provoking set
ex-pregnant couple
and often ex-marriage
Yet a couple that continues to be, alone again together with
In a renewed peace
reached the expected.
Satisfaction .....?
I am proud
The children are grown
The big kids themselves are aged.
And the parents have become grandparents.
The bed gets full again
A proud
I am reproduced
And when the grandchildren have children again, the fourth generation there.
A reproduction of human life. A continuation of a cycle.
An awareness of what comes out ........
I am old
The realization that changes. The finite from visits.
The lonely is not always going to be divided anymore.
Expected to be finite.
Where consciousness and awareness lead to enjoyment.
Where fear and pain is a place.
What a lucky moment.
While beauty a new meaning.
The stigma itself dies differently.
I am gone
Where nothing started, it ends in the same
An observation sheet has become invisible ink
With the right light is visible.
If you want sense, it is also ..............
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