Wijchen, Netherlands, January 18th
Evening Lectures, Dutch School of Photography
Sponsored by :
Epson, Nikon, Arca & Atento, Photal, Eizo, GB Lijsten, Geniaal, Vigor and Lapis Lazuli
Choreographer meets Photographer,
The extremely interesting ‘confrontation’ between a top choreographer from
Introdans, Adriaan Luteijn, his dancer Patricia van Deutekom and about 35 photographers.
Since 1971 Introdans has grown into a top dance company. With a healthy dose of ambition, the company remains true to its mission to present high quality dance to a broad public. Since 2009 Introdans has been designated part of the basic national infrastructure of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. With the Canon of Introdans™, the two dance ensembles present a varied and attractive modern ballet repertoire. Introdans performs in theatres throughout the Netherlands and travels the world: both ensembles are frequent guests on international stages.
The first part of the evening:
Some short movies introduced both, Adriaan and Patricia
Adriaan and Patricia started to explain how a choreographer and a dancer work together to express what they want to show to the public.
After a verbal explanation Adriaan showed the practical part by talking to Patricia what to do.
For this purpose they used a table, to express passion and love with.
First talking only and than with corrections and more extending the choreography with use of music. In between we were allowed to make suggestions to improve the dance.
Use of bodylanguage, expression of life and everything connected to, was something
to experience.
Before the break I tried to resume what was told and how it effects photographers the same. Like Choreographer and Dancer / Photographer and Model.
If correct they inspire eachother, Chor./Dancer.
To feel and anticipate, discipline and communication as well to obey.
Most of all : respect.
Seeing all this ballet and dance I could see posing and composing.
A family composition, use of triangels.
But also the use of a concept and a purpose to have as a goal.
The feeling and emotion: how to imagine this and visualize.
The break of half an hour was good to reflect each others opinions.
The second part we were part of doing “choreography” and posing/modeling.
The A’s and B’s were sets of two to work in this.
Shaping each other on turn was a fantastic experience.
Although my body is not even close to be as flexible as the professionals, I still could do something to express.
This was something most liked very much, for it created an awareness
about the possibility in a photographic way.
When all the bodies were ‘damaged’, we had a kind of round table discussion.
The equations between two different forms of art and how they can effect eachother.
Finally Introdans was kind enough to give away two tickets to a performance of Introdans. This was done by a raffle.
Adriaan was thanked a lot and got the ‘famous’ Orange Jacket of the Dutch School of Photography, designed by ‘eetsj vee keej’
Paricia was thanked with flowers.
And they both received a book “the human chain”
Another fantastic evening ended.
New ways of learning, by the DSoP showed again the effect other artforms can have in the way to approach photography.
Be openminded, and allow your brain to breath!
Till next time:
Jeffery Scott from the USA
Scedule NOW:
25th of March: Evening Lecture- max 50 Participants
26th of March: full day workshop- Max 6-10 Paricipants (very exclusive)
More information will follow in about two-three weeks
Website Jeffery Scott:
Henk van Kooten
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