dinsdag 21 december 2010
woensdag 17 november 2010
Eveninglecture 15 november 2010 with Jesus Miguel Muel De Dios
Evening Lecture Jesus Miguel Muel de Dios
Dutch School of Photography
November 15th 2010
All the way from Spain was Muel coming over to do an evening lecture about
Nudes and Portraits.
A evening with impact in photography.
The fantastic cropping of images, the showing images with no skin-cleaning.
Muel told about his growing and the importance of his family.
His consciousness in photography.
Some words to characterize Muels photography:
characterized simplicity
daring compositions and crops
Than Muel told about his calenders with nudes. A volleyball team, the medical students.
All part of his very daring nudes.
The amazing part was Muel showing the nude-photography of colleague photographers.
Including himself.
Now there is a waiting-list from Dutch photographers coming over from Holland to Muels' Gijon, to be photographed........
Muel ended his talk with a very personal film. About his father, his family and realy beautyful spoken words by his mother. It made everybody quiet for some time.
Muel was happy his first talk in English went very good, broken-Spanish English is a kind of new international language now.
The warm voice and personality of Muel showed new kind of photography.
Although Muel always wants more, better, hating his old photography, it is good to know that learning and evolving your vision and your photography is only possible if you are kind of permanently unhappy with yourself as a photographer-artist.
Tis was the last lecture of this year.
In January we (the Dutch School of Photography) will launch a new programme for 2011.
Including a membership-option.
We can promise that this will be another great year of 'new ways of learning'
Henk & Christina van Kooten
Evening Lecture Jesus Miguel Muel de Dios
Dutch School of Photography
November 15th 2010
All the way from Spain was Muel coming over to do an evening lecture about
Nudes and Portraits.
A evening with impact in photography.
The fantastic cropping of images, the showing images with no skin-cleaning.
Muel told about his growing and the importance of his family.
His consciousness in photography.
Some words to characterize Muels photography:
characterized simplicity
daring compositions and crops
Than Muel told about his calenders with nudes. A volleyball team, the medical students.
All part of his very daring nudes.
The amazing part was Muel showing the nude-photography of colleague photographers.
Including himself.
Now there is a waiting-list from Dutch photographers coming over from Holland to Muels' Gijon, to be photographed........
Muel ended his talk with a very personal film. About his father, his family and realy beautyful spoken words by his mother. It made everybody quiet for some time.
Muel was happy his first talk in English went very good, broken-Spanish English is a kind of new international language now.
The warm voice and personality of Muel showed new kind of photography.
Although Muel always wants more, better, hating his old photography, it is good to know that learning and evolving your vision and your photography is only possible if you are kind of permanently unhappy with yourself as a photographer-artist.
Tis was the last lecture of this year.
In January we (the Dutch School of Photography) will launch a new programme for 2011.
Including a membership-option.
We can promise that this will be another great year of 'new ways of learning'
Henk & Christina van Kooten
woensdag 3 november 2010
Thank you Scotland!

'Identify Yourself'
a photographic identity by creating your own creativity
Monday 1st November 2010 - 10am-5pm
place: Loxley Colour Glasgow
A big thank you to the Scottish Region of the MPA.
The talk on the 1rst of november was really good to do.
Lots of positive feedback.
I thank also Loxley Colour for taking care of all of us.
The cooperation in the 'bookmarks' idea I did might work out as a new
marketing tool.
Maybe an extra in terms of a free crazy-face image is also part of a new marketing
Also to let you all know I was feeling welcome and saw many 'open minded' faces.
Willing to change the industry of professional photography.
Willing to change MPA into a more interactive instrument.
Merchandising MPA as a professional must for customers.
Also the new ideas for the magazine:
- unannounced website-visits and discussion/report by a webdesigner and professional
– “doctor” Henk answers questions about problems in the industry, personal marketing in the
photostudio, lighting problems, sales etc etc etc
– New Competition Ideas:
Best Crazy Face of the Year (sposored by toy-industry)
Most Erotic Portrait of the Year (sponsored by PlayBoy magazine)
Love at first Bite (Wedding, Sponsored by MacDonalds)
Lots of support in these is very important.
We need to have the MPA as an instrument that is known by all photographers, but ALSO by all customers.
I will try to be back in January-february to do print-critique, and to do a masterclass/workshop.
This will be coordinated by Seppi.
Even possible to arrange a visit and masterclasses in my studio!!!!!
Lets make our new Slogan for MPA working:
We Are ….....
Masters of Light
All the Best and hope to see you all soon,
Henk van Kooten
dinsdag 19 oktober 2010
Workshop Norway, 11th and 12th of october 2010

What a experience to be in this country.
Also the very welcome feeling.
To talk and demonstrate about photography.
The vision, the motivating.
The live photoshoots, how challenging to do.
I will work out all my images to show the final results.
Already one of the images I showed.
The concept of Family in its being.
The 'Change' of photography is something that
needs to be profiled by photographers. All together.
To make the universal language visually talk.
Thanks for giving me and Christina a lifetime experience!
Henk van Kooten
Henk president of the MPA
And this is the moment to be proud.
I now can announce that I am president of the Master Photographers Association.
In my opinion the most prestigious organisation in the United Kingdom.
Already being the chairman of the judges and also being next years chairman of the judges,
this a new achievement to be proud of.
The special chain that is always within my reach for a whole year.
And this is also the platform to promote professional photography.
To change an awareness. To motivate and establish our profession. To show professional identity.
So since october the 17th I am THE PRESIDENT.
Just to let you all know.
And as being a Dutchman I was introduced as the flying dutchman. I used the opportunity to show up in a completely orange suit, with red white and blue buttons and inside a lot of my images printed in the fabric.
I feel proud to be part of this industry.
Henk van Kooten
I now can announce that I am president of the Master Photographers Association.
In my opinion the most prestigious organisation in the United Kingdom.
Already being the chairman of the judges and also being next years chairman of the judges,
this a new achievement to be proud of.
The special chain that is always within my reach for a whole year.
And this is also the platform to promote professional photography.
To change an awareness. To motivate and establish our profession. To show professional identity.
So since october the 17th I am THE PRESIDENT.
Just to let you all know.
And as being a Dutchman I was introduced as the flying dutchman. I used the opportunity to show up in a completely orange suit, with red white and blue buttons and inside a lot of my images printed in the fabric.
I feel proud to be part of this industry.
Henk van Kooten
vrijdag 8 oktober 2010
Eveninglecture 15 november 2010 with Jesus Miguel Muel De Dios

Evening Lecture
Jesús Miguel Muel de Dios
As we call him Muel.
Knowing his name represents something special: 'de Dios' means 'from God',
we can expect something special this evening.
Muel is a photographer I know as a very good friend and photographer.
We met in the year I was judging the Spanish Valencia competition and doing a lecture
at the convention.
I did not know his work, nor his name or his existence.
Judging one of the most 'moving' pictures I ever saw, I was overwhelmed by emotion.
This image won the category.
At the evening of the awards dinner I was going to the conference centre, walking up to the building. I saw a person standing. Like first love we looked at each other and were already friends. That is how I met Muel.
Now it happens that in this awards-evening the image I wanted to win came up, and only than I knew it was Muel's image.
Muel is a very gifted and very pure photographer. His communication, his being as a person is already an experience to meet.
He is a very warm personality, and that shows in his images.
Muel is one of those photographers that I would say is a true artist.
Always experimenting, but also aware about the realism to make money for a living.
His struggle between the two worlds will never end.
In Spain he is known very well for his creative being, and rewarded a lot of times.
He jokes a lot with his colleagues, his English is 'broken Spanish English' but very well to understand.
The beauty of Muel's Nude photography (he has one of himself on his website), is that it is very much like normal. No glamorous over retouched imaging, but just as it is.
Do not miss this unique photographer.
Only 30 places ! On first come bases.
Have a look at www.dutchschoolofphotography.com for his portfolio and the programma
It may be clear already, but the lecture will be in English
See you all in november.
dinsdag 7 september 2010
New downloadprodukt!! about Pregnancy......

A Pregnancy photoshoot. Multi-imaging with a real story. A photographic concept of emotion....
A pregnant woman....A husband....Curious about what is growing....
Almost 30 minutes of tutorial, film of the photoshoot | lighting & posing.
Desktopfilm about the photoshop | cropping & a quick way of setting the subject in a 'clean' background.Curves to contrast | multi imaging | sandwich use from 'custom-design'
the montage and finishing in layers.Don't miss it!!
go to our webshop and download it now!
donderdag 29 juli 2010
maandag 19 juli 2010
New series of Workshops with Henk van Kooten | ‘The Concept of Family’

Theme: ‘The Concept of Family’
A set of six workshop, all related to family-photography.
By far the most interesting part of social photography.
Henk will demonstrate all the inns and outs of the concept,
the lighting, the posing, the composition and the finishing (post-production).
The workshops will all have the same structure:
- the theory and vision
the customer type and way of communication
the inspiration
the proposed concept
explain why and how
the bodylanguage
the story behind the image
the stylist and make-up artist
- the photoshoot (only Henk will demonstrate, no other photography is allowed)
setup of the light
how to communicate during the photoshoot
using the family as inspiration
‘reading’ the bodylanguage
posing and composition
creative extra
- the postproduction and printing
raw file correction, color balance
conversion to tiff
cleaning and softing the skin
black and white
plug inns
choice of paper and how to print
So there is no need to take your camera with you.
To learn is more part of this workshop. It is not a masterclass.
It is based on knowledge and inspiration.
Real learning is not making a copy, but motivate yourself.
The six workshops each will be different in handling these concepts.
Workshops to come:
1. Young family (children in the age of 2-10 years)
2. Pregnancy
3. Baby
4. Teenage children (11-18 years)
5. Adults (18+)
6. Old people (grandparents)
Part One:
Young family
Models: 3 children and a daddy
Date: 2nd of august
Place: Studio of Henk van Kooten
Max of participants: 10
Costs: € 95,00 (excl 19% BTW)
Time scedule:
08.30-09.00 Arriving, coffee, tea
09.00-10.00 Theory and vision
10.00-11.00 Introduction models & Photoshoot
11.00-11.30 Break
11.30-12.30 Postproduction and Printing
12.30-13.30 Informal ending with sandwich
How to be part of this unique event:
Signing in is based on first come.
Your confirmation is only official after payment.
Signing in is possible:
Email your details to info@dutchschoolofphotography.com
Amount of participants
And the name of this workshop / course code: Young Family
Go to the website: http://www.dutchschoolofphotography.com
Go to: course and look for the : Workshop Young Family
Go to: sign in
maandag 12 juli 2010
Planning Dierendagen 2010

Je maakt telefonisch of per email een afspraak voor een fotoshoot.
Er wordt hiervoor maximaal een half uur gereserveerd.
1 huisdier evt in combinatie met 1 persoon.
Het huisdier mag dus een hond | kat | schildpad | konijn | cavia | slang etc zijn.
Bij aanmelding ontvangt u van ons een voucher t.w.v € 50,00 korting op de opnamekosten van € 175,00. Het kost nu dus slechts € 125,00
Van 1 foto een afdruk van 20 / 20 cm & 2 x 10 / 10 cm
Voor het uitzoeken van de foto’s maken we een afspraak op een andere dag.
Bel en boek gelijk!!
Voorbeelden van dieren-fotografie:
zie de website : www.henkvankooten.com
ga naar : portfolio I dieren
photography for Introdans by Henk van Kooten
donderdag 1 juli 2010
Eveninglecture with Simon John | 28 june 2010

Simon John
June 28th 2010
The Dutch School was really happy to have a creative genious like Simon John,
doing a talk for the DSoP.
His talk was about the theme:
The Art and Reality of a Modern Social Studio
Not a standard talk, but a typical Simon way.
Using his jokes normally in England, now in Holland it was slightly different.
Still it worked very well in achieving an audience that was taking in all he was saying.
To make a good ” kind of what Simon was talking about writing “ I will put a line-up here:
- photography is about trust
- customers will come back for the second, third etc time
- branding, your name, your style, your photography
- art / making money / sience, the combination works better than the parts alone
- how do you see yourself and how does the customers sees you
- how to distinguish yourself from other photographers
- the differences between an amature and a pro:
the story
shape and composition
- male and female shape to see and use:
male ... the v
female ... the curve
- see the idea and than turn it upside down, is a way of changing and challenging yourself
- do not just copy
- if you want to achieve something:
do NOT go for the WHY
GO for the HOW
- inspiration is for Simon based on
visiting a gallery
- it help if your attitude is enthousiastic
- Simon is working a lot in the system of:
(brainstorming, creating and shooting)
- promote your studio with more clever words:
if Simon sells his cd with images to a customer (if !), he makes it special by mentioning the value in a different way. So the cd is not just a piece of plastic. He says:
this cd contains images that are the result of 25 years of experience.
He says not photoshop, but editing.
Not pictures but images.
Simon used a film and a slideshow to demonstrate his work.
Answered questions
Time was gone really fast .
Simon made everybody realise that we still are something that is a profession in
the future .
The after-‘party’ was a good summer-evening relaxing ending.
Like mentioned already, we are working on new themes already.
We will update everybody in time.
In the meantime we hope that everybody will be the ambassador of the DSoP.
We already have over 375 registered photographers, that are fully updated for upcoming events. We are concidering a monthly newsletter, that will be send through our website.
Next we will have a workshop:
The Family (part one): Young Family
Henk van Kooten will do a workshop with a family: Mom Dad and two young children
- the family, slideshow and vision, marketing and sales
- styling, preparation
- photoshoot, demonstration with family
- digital imaging and output
Full Programme and dates will come.
We have only 10 places a day
Costs : € 95,00 (excl 19% BTW)
See you all soon again!
Henk van Kooten
dinsdag 18 mei 2010
Jan van teeffelen

A photographer reaches the age of 80 years.
He is honoured for his work.
Jan van Teeffelen.
A peoples photographer.
I was asked to print one of the pictures I took from him 10 years ago.
I send three images.
The beauty of getting old.
When we met several days ago ( at the place where they were honoring him, exhibtion of images from him, taken by other photographers ) , he saw me and just sayed:”Hi Henk”. We both looked eachother in the eyes and had a time only our heads touching eachother......
It was a special moment. No words, as photography should be.
Still some words attached to this picture in colour (cross-processed):
The eternal value caused by one click,
a Jan ( his name ),
his face hidden behind his eternal eye,
mysticism and realism in one.
maandag 17 mei 2010
zondag 16 mei 2010
New downloadprodukt!!

‘Moving in Time’ & ‘On the Shoulder’
Two new amazing concepts. Worked out in tutorial-movies.
The photoshoots and the photoshop.
Also some new tips and trics in there. Black and White conversion
By using NikSoftware. Showing the options in this.
Seperating by using the ’zonesystem’.
This is all showing the almost ‘live’ way of how Henk work and how Henk
This is also a starting-point for photographers, to move out of the box.
Thought-proces here: how a couple moves, how a couple is one, but still
there own identities.
donderdag 13 mei 2010
Eveninglecture with Simon John | 28 june 2010

Lecture by Simon John
Fellow of the BIPP and the MPA
28th of June 2010, Wijchen, Netherlands
The Art and Reality of a Modern Social Studio
Simon is a photographer I know for about 10 years.
He is very well known in England, as a judge, teacher and of course as an amazing photographer.
His style is very modern, romantic, but confronting and funny.
He always looks for a challenge and is still open to learn.
He status in winning awards, qualifications is fenomenal.
And if you than think that this must be already an old man, if you relate to all the things he achieved, you are wrong.
Simon looks like a young boy. His attitude is not arrogant, but a curious and questioning boyish man. He is a thinker and a wonderfull personality.
This is a ‘must go’ programme.
Simon will share his way of photography-psychology.
He will show his studio, slideshows, his vision.
Of course there will be time for questions.
We have only 50 places for this evening-talk.
First come base.
Simon John’s lecture will be in English.
go to
and sign in!!!!!!
Already interested who this fantastic photographer is?
Have a look at his website... http://www.simonjohn.co.uk
We hope to welcome you the 28th of June,
Henk van Kooten
donderdag 29 april 2010
donderdag 22 april 2010
Het portret... - A cinematic portrayal of photographer
nul10productie — 28 februari 2010 — A cinematic portrayal of photographer Henk van Kooten, in which we get acquainted with the artist and his work, his views on photography and the way in which his work is established.
Een filmisch portret van fotograaf Henk van Kooten, waarin wij kennis maken met de kunstenaar en zijn werk, zijn kijk op fotograferen en de manier waarop zijn werk tot stand komt.
Un portrait cinématographique du photographe Henk van Kooten, dans lequel nous faisons connaissance avec lartiste et son travail, sa conception de la photographie et sa demarche jusquà ce que son travail aboutisse.
Eine cinematic Schilderung des Photographen Henk van Kooten, in der wir bekannt mit dem Künstler und seins Arbeit, seine Ansichten über Fotographie und die Weise erhalten, in denen seine Arbeit hergestellt wird.
nul10productie — 28 februari 2010 — A cinematic portrayal of photographer Henk van Kooten, in which we get acquainted with the artist and his work, his views on photography and the way in which his work is established.
Een filmisch portret van fotograaf Henk van Kooten, waarin wij kennis maken met de kunstenaar en zijn werk, zijn kijk op fotograferen en de manier waarop zijn werk tot stand komt.
Un portrait cinématographique du photographe Henk van Kooten, dans lequel nous faisons connaissance avec lartiste et son travail, sa conception de la photographie et sa demarche jusquà ce que son travail aboutisse.
Eine cinematic Schilderung des Photographen Henk van Kooten, in der wir bekannt mit dem Künstler und seins Arbeit, seine Ansichten über Fotographie und die Weise erhalten, in denen seine Arbeit hergestellt wird.
New Reflector and the Leica S2

This Image is taken with the Leica S2.
F=11 70mm 1/125sec studioflash.
Using a new kind of reflector: Mola.
(Transcontinenta, Netherlands)
The face is softened a little bit.
No further retouching done.
Black and white conversion done with NikSoftware
Silver Efex Pro.
Printed beautiful on Epson UltraSmootFineArtPaper
with the Epson 11880.
By the way: this is Christina, my wife.
woensdag 21 april 2010

MasterClass Vincent O’Byrne
April 12th 2010
A full day programme of Vincent O’Byrne, teaching 4 photographers
- working out a idea
- how to pose a model
- using rectangular softboxes
- using a top light
- looking at the shadows
- photoshop.... setting free from background etc
- great model to work with
- certificates
- A2 prints on Epson Ultra Smooth Fine Art Paper
This was Vincents own result, also to reward the model:
Again he proves how innovative he is.
He soon will have an exhibition in Holland.
Starting in may 2010
Place to be : KOS Gallerie
Verrenieuwstraat 32
4301 HZ Zierikzee
Tel 0031 (0) 111 41 49 12
A real fantastic way of learning.
Vincent was really to the point in the teaching.
First demonstrated the differences and than it was handson.
Each person got ½ an hour to do the shoot.
In the preparation the weeks before they all got instructutions what to do.
To prepare yourself in an idea.
Using the separate part to make a new image-story.
Like Vincent was saying:
Think it is an empty room and you are going to put things in this place to tell a story.
The results were stunning and totally different.
Everybody left totally happy, having an A2 print of there work.
Included a signed certificate.
This is how a masterclass must be. Not just showing but also doing.
Vieuw the student-results on the news page from http://www.dutchschoolofphotography.com
donderdag 15 april 2010
woensdag 7 april 2010
The concept of reflecting and the use of a new composition.
zaterdag 3 april 2010
How was the Eveninglecture with Eddy van Wessel 29 march 2010?
March 29th 2010
Lecture by Eddy van Wessel
Eddy came in our studio at about 2.30 pm.
After a long travel from Sweden.
Meeting the Sponsors was something special.
His story is known, and unknown.
Nik Software’s Julia had a huge surprise for Eddy.
The complete collection of Nik Software.
Eddy was really happy for he loves the software.
Ok, everybody came in at about 6.30 pm.
And at 7 we started the introduction.
Henk explained the new setup of the Dutch School.
Sponsors are really going along with us for one year.
Special to mention that Nikon is the head sponsor of the DsoP.
On the website we are pushing a communication in the Sponsors part.
Special Offers, Stories about products, manufactoring, photography etc etc
Will be exposed on this part:
Also our new webshop launch of the henkvankooten.com website.
New products and downloads to make.
And than the introduction of Eddy van Wessel.
His Amazing history of photography and what triggers him.
Eddy choose for the system to have a slow slideshow running behind him, while he was talking about himself and his vision about photography.
The images were standing on hold for 10 seconds so everybody could feel the impact.
The war is not something to look at without feeling a melancholic depression.
Eddy just started to talk and the questions came up. About the why and how, about the danger, the not making money, the passion and emotion.
About feelings, the story.
People that were put in amazing compostions and light, with conditions that were extremely difficult.
It was not just a photographic talent to look at, also a human communication
Eddy told:
If the feeling in the image is there, it is ok.
(dsop: the same with wedding, portraiture, fashion etc. So it is for all photography the same principle)
Only black and white..... a choice of Eddy.
Basicly Eddy explains in this photography his aproach is coming from an interest in human, in everything. It opens people without conviction.
(dsop: again, it works the same in every photoshoot, every wedding. Questions like.. what are you doing, how old are you, what is important in your life etc etc)
So what is the truth. The image-story, the light, the compostion
To see Eddy breaking rules. No details in the black if it is not doing good to the image.
Eddy went on and on. Everybody was amazed and inspired at the same time.
A magnificent talk, beyond what was possible.
At the same time Eddy was doing his talk, he was on tele. You still can see this : http://www.veronicatv.nl/web/show/id=445551/langid=43/media=159716/page=1
After seeing his movie on television, I was very emotional.
This man shows more than just an image. It is a way of life to let people feel what happens in this world.
So what is your story
Is it sharp or unsharp
Is it black or white
It is what it is
And of course thanks to the sponsors!
Lecture by Eddy van Wessel
Eddy came in our studio at about 2.30 pm.
After a long travel from Sweden.
Meeting the Sponsors was something special.
His story is known, and unknown.
Nik Software’s Julia had a huge surprise for Eddy.
The complete collection of Nik Software.
Eddy was really happy for he loves the software.
Ok, everybody came in at about 6.30 pm.
And at 7 we started the introduction.
Henk explained the new setup of the Dutch School.
Sponsors are really going along with us for one year.
Special to mention that Nikon is the head sponsor of the DsoP.
On the website we are pushing a communication in the Sponsors part.
Special Offers, Stories about products, manufactoring, photography etc etc
Will be exposed on this part:
Also our new webshop launch of the henkvankooten.com website.
New products and downloads to make.
And than the introduction of Eddy van Wessel.
His Amazing history of photography and what triggers him.
Eddy choose for the system to have a slow slideshow running behind him, while he was talking about himself and his vision about photography.
The images were standing on hold for 10 seconds so everybody could feel the impact.
The war is not something to look at without feeling a melancholic depression.
Eddy just started to talk and the questions came up. About the why and how, about the danger, the not making money, the passion and emotion.
About feelings, the story.
People that were put in amazing compostions and light, with conditions that were extremely difficult.
It was not just a photographic talent to look at, also a human communication
Eddy told:
If the feeling in the image is there, it is ok.
(dsop: the same with wedding, portraiture, fashion etc. So it is for all photography the same principle)
Only black and white..... a choice of Eddy.
Basicly Eddy explains in this photography his aproach is coming from an interest in human, in everything. It opens people without conviction.
(dsop: again, it works the same in every photoshoot, every wedding. Questions like.. what are you doing, how old are you, what is important in your life etc etc)
So what is the truth. The image-story, the light, the compostion
To see Eddy breaking rules. No details in the black if it is not doing good to the image.
Eddy went on and on. Everybody was amazed and inspired at the same time.
A magnificent talk, beyond what was possible.
At the same time Eddy was doing his talk, he was on tele. You still can see this : http://www.veronicatv.nl/web/show/id=445551/langid=43/media=159716/page=1
After seeing his movie on television, I was very emotional.
This man shows more than just an image. It is a way of life to let people feel what happens in this world.
So what is your story
Is it sharp or unsharp
Is it black or white
It is what it is
And of course thanks to the sponsors!
donderdag 25 maart 2010
Dank aan Sponsors dutchschoolofphotography.com
Zie ook Dutchschoolofphotography.com.
a.s Maandag lezing Eddy van Wessel en vervolgens op maandag
12 april masterclass Vincent'O Byrne
Zie ook Dutchschoolofphotography.com.
a.s Maandag lezing Eddy van Wessel en vervolgens op maandag
12 april masterclass Vincent'O Byrne
dinsdag 23 maart 2010
Henk van Kooten promotes his new Webshop. http://www.henkvankooten.com/shop

International Award Winning Photographer, known for his totally crazy and renewing photography
Henk van Kooten promotes his new Webshop. http://www.henkvankooten.com/shop
Books, Instructional DVD-Book, AND NOW ‘CONCEPTS’.
CONCEPTS is a new downloadable product.
Filmed and shown in Photoshop, will be uploaded to the Webshop.
Visit our WEBSHOP to view the latest uploads.
This is a special request to everybody that is involved in photography at any level.
Send this email to all the photographers you know.
‘Henk van Kooten’ has a New Webshop.
There will be new uploads of a (filmed)-CONCEPT of Henk’s photography.
This includes an instruction in photoshop.
These CONCEPTS will be priced from Euro5 to Euro15 to be downloaded directly from our Webshop.
These movies and photoshop-explanations instruct you, so that you will be able to do it for yourself.
Every two weeks a new CONCEPT will be uploaded.
The last CONCEPT: ‘IN THE BOX’ is upcoming on the 18th of March 2010.
In this CONCEPT I am working with a musical genious: Breffni O’Byrne.
An Irish composer that is extremely talented.
He is opening a new range of very effordable music, specially made for movies and slideshow-presentations-background music etc., etc. Also some general music that can be downloaded and free to use after a small payment.
Henk van Kooten

Vincent komt naar Nederland om een masterclass te geven.
De absolute wereldtop in deze fotografie!
UNIEK in zijn benadering van ‘dream-imaging’ en artistic nudes.
Niet alleen leren, maar ook doen !!!!
Belichting, compositiebouw, het concept ontwikkelen.
Bijgevoegde pdf geeft de uitleg van Vincent mbt de voorbereiding.
De deelnemers (maximaal 6) moeten dit goed doorlezen en kunnen in de voorbereiding vragen sturen naar Vincent.
Het Programma en uitleg:
- voorbereiding dmv toegezonden achtergrond-beelden van Vincent en het bedenken van je eigen concept, waarbij je in onze studio in Wijchen onder begeleiding van Vincent, een (naakt-) model kunt fotograferen.
Je kunt ook een eigen achtergrond fotograferen, of meenemen en daarbij een concept bedenken.
- de start van het dagprogramma
Vincent geeft uitleg-demonstreerd en gaat met een ieder ½ uur fotograferen
Jij fotografeerd en Vincent geeft aanwijzingen-correcties.
De andere deelnemers kunnen hiervan leren en meekijken.
-uitwerking van de beelden
Het corrigeren en uitwerken van de beelden, vrijstaandmaken en plaatsen.
Dat gaat ook onder begeleiding.
Maar neem dus je laptop mee!
Hetalles zal nog op een goed gekallibreerd beeldscherm van Eizo gecontroleerd worden.
-output dmv een A2 papier fine art print op een epson 11880 moet een ultieme waarde meegeven. Je eigen kunstwerk. Maar ook de weg ernaartoe die je in de toekomst verder zelf vorm kunt geven.
-certificaat van deelname, zal worden uitgereikt aan iedere deelnemer
08.30-09.00 informeel binnenkomen, koffie en thee
09.00-09.30 informatie, conceptbespreking
09.30-10.00 Vincent Demonstratie met Model, Licht, Compositie
10.00-10.30 1ste fotoshoot
10.30-11.00 2de fotoshoot
11.00-11.30 pauze
11.30-12.00 3de fotoshoot
12.00-12.30 4de fotoshoot
12.30-13.00 5de fotoshoot
13.00-13.30 6de fotoshoot
13.30-14.00 pauze
14.00-16.30 Beeldbewerking
16.15-16.45 Printen fotowerken
16.45-17.15 Uitreiking Certificaten
Eisen aan de deelnemers:
Goede kennis van het programmma Photoshop
Kennis van studiofotografie/lichtgebruik
Evt eigen camera uitrusting (ken je het beste)
Anders is er de Nikon D3X beschikbaar
Je evt eigen beeldmateriaal
€ 375,00 per persoon excl. BTW , incl. eten en drinken.
Maximaal aantal deelnemers:
4-6 personen
Datum: 12 april 2010
De workshop wordt in het Engels gegeven!
Aanwezig :
Volledig uitgeruste studio van de Dutch School of Photography.
Model (naaktmodel).
Assistent (voor allerhande zaken).
Vincent O’Byrne natuurlijk.
Aanmelding gaat op basis van first comes first...
Aanmelding geldig indien betaling ontvangen (binnen 48 uur na aanmelding)
Anders gaat de plaats naar een volgende.
Mail de volgende gegevens aan:
Onder vermelding van:
Vincent O’Byrne Masterclass 12042010
Naam + Adres + Woonplaats + Telefoonnummers + Emailadres + Aantal personen
De aanmelding met factuur wordt per email bevestigd.
Celsiusstraat 33
6604 CV Wijchen
zondag 21 maart 2010
New download products in our webshop!
We have two new downloads in our webshop.
Thinking in concepts..."CUT OUT" & "IN THE BOX"
only 10 euro each.
have a look right now
dinsdag 16 maart 2010
Structures of Africa

Did a workshop with teenagers for school,13 years old!!!
It was for charity.3 boys and 3 girls.They took the images and i helped them with making a piece of art.They also wrote a poem......beautifull.
Een rijk kind heeft duizend wensen,een arm kind maar één.
Help de kinderen mee opstaan!!
Geef ze een nieuw beter leven.....
want een helpende hand is altijd fijn.
A rich child has a thousand wishes,
a poor child only one.
Help the kids stand up!
Give them a new better life .....
for a helping hand is always nice.
zondag 7 maart 2010
A Bit Strange but Beautiful .......

Henk van Kooten A Bit Strange but Beautiful .......
Tomorrow evening on the Professional Imaging 2010 i will give a demonstration in photography how to think in concepts.
Eveninglecture with Eddy van Wessel 29 march
What is the binding element with Emotion.
The world of glitter and glamour.
The world of plastic.
The outer beauty.
The originality.
Primeval feeling.
Purity out of the nothing.
But also the sadness of the truth.
It seems as if emotion has become a keyword.
A sort of truth serum that seperates authenticity from fake.
A truth that is also a very subjective experience.
Eddy van Wessel brings a new bond in the series of cliche’s and half truths that is photographed as a failed deformed reality.
So cynical that bond between all photographers. But that beautiful disarming purity. The original.
Where a wedding couple kissing and hugging each other with emotion expressing love as emotion, where a desolated child shows no emotion in the face in a way it installes emotion.
Are there interfaces?
Are they all truths?
Fascinating thoughts, that war-photography is measured with wedding- photography.
Of course, some time ago, Pat Benetar sang: "Love is a battlefield"
But could it be true that identification leads you to open your eyes.
And if you see it, it's there.
Love is recognized by hate. Beauty by ugliness. Peace through war.
Therefore this letter.
The connection between photographers. A bridge of light.
Sign Up Now quickly at the evening lecture by Eddy van Wessel on March 29 in the studio of Henk van Kooten, Celsiusstraat 33, Wijchen.
See also: http://www.dutchschoolofphotography.com
Email: info@dutchschoolofphotography.com
Best regards,
Henk van Kooten
What is the binding element with Emotion.
The world of glitter and glamour.
The world of plastic.
The outer beauty.
The originality.
Primeval feeling.
Purity out of the nothing.
But also the sadness of the truth.
It seems as if emotion has become a keyword.
A sort of truth serum that seperates authenticity from fake.
A truth that is also a very subjective experience.
Eddy van Wessel brings a new bond in the series of cliche’s and half truths that is photographed as a failed deformed reality.
So cynical that bond between all photographers. But that beautiful disarming purity. The original.
Where a wedding couple kissing and hugging each other with emotion expressing love as emotion, where a desolated child shows no emotion in the face in a way it installes emotion.
Are there interfaces?
Are they all truths?
Fascinating thoughts, that war-photography is measured with wedding- photography.
Of course, some time ago, Pat Benetar sang: "Love is a battlefield"
But could it be true that identification leads you to open your eyes.
And if you see it, it's there.
Love is recognized by hate. Beauty by ugliness. Peace through war.
Therefore this letter.
The connection between photographers. A bridge of light.
Sign Up Now quickly at the evening lecture by Eddy van Wessel on March 29 in the studio of Henk van Kooten, Celsiusstraat 33, Wijchen.
See also: http://www.dutchschoolofphotography.com
Email: info@dutchschoolofphotography.com
Best regards,
Henk van Kooten
Meld je nu aan!! Avondlezing 29 maart met Eddy van Wessel.Beeld en Emotie...

Wat heeft Emotie als binding.
De wereld van glitter en glamour.
De wereld van plastic.
Het uiterlijk wil ook wat.
De oorspronkelijkheid.
Het oergevoel.
Het pure uit het niets.
Maar ook het verdriet van de waarheid.
Het lijkt alsof emotie een sleutelwoord is geworden.
Een soort waarheidsserum die echtheid van gemaaktheid moet onderscheiden.
Een waarheid die trouwens erg subjectief ervaren wordt.
Eddy van Wessel brengt weer een nieuwe binding in die reeks van mislukte cliche’s en halve waarheden die ook als een misvormde realiteit gefotografeerd wordt.
Ja die cynische binding tussen alle fotografen. Maar ook die prachtige ontwapenende zuiverheid. Het oorspronkelijke.
Daar waar een huwelijkspaar zich vol emotie omarmend en kussend de liefde als emotie uitdrukt, daar waar het kind desolaat en verlaten een gezicht zonder emotie laat emotioneren.
Zijn het raakvlakken?
Zijn het allemaal waarheden?
Intrigerende gedachtes, dat oorlogsfotografie zich laat meten met huwelijksfotografie.
Natuurlijk, al enige tijd geleden zong Pat Benetar: ‘Love is a battlefield’
Maar is het niet zo dat het herkennen leidt tot het zien.
En als je het ziet, dan is het er ook.
Liefde wordt herkend door haat. Schoonheid door lelijkheid. Vrede door oorlog.
Daarom dit schrijven.
De verbinding tussen fotografen. Een brug van licht.
Meld je nu snel aan bij de avondlezing van Eddy van Wessel op 29 maart in de studio van Henk van Kooten, Celsiusstraat 33, Wijchen.
Kijk ook op: http://www.dutchschoolofphotography.com
Email: info@dutchschoolofphotography.com
Met vriendelijke Groet,
Henk van Kooten
woensdag 24 februari 2010
Markree Castle Guy Gowen’s weekend Event 19-20 and 21 february 2010

Markree Castle Guy Gowen’s weekend Event
19-20 and 21 february 2010
New way of doing workshops organised by Guy Gowan.
In a place close to Sligo, Ireland. In a Castle, the Markree Castle.
Arriving at Markree Castle friday the 19th of february, in the late afternoon was like driving into a ferrytale.
The beauty of the nature, the landscape, and the old castle.
A perfect location to have a small group of photographers ready to learn different kind of photographic approaches.
Vincent O’Byrne and the concept of thinking in an idea. Using a nude model like most of his work shows in his artistic approach.
Hoss Photography, doing a way more commercial approach of portraiture.
Not so much based on creativity, but on the basics of lighting and posing.
And me, doing a masterclass about how to use a cliche to trigger you into new and more creative posing, cropping and lighting.
Of course the photographers needed to do the photography themselves.
So friday evening, dinner, meeting up with the participants, lots of talking.
Saturday was the first day of the workshops.
In groups of six everybody went into the different parts of the castle.
I prepared clothes and styling already at home.
Also I prepared a concept about: the mother, the careerwoman and the sexbom.
Just to be sure I could go easy in the shoot and set the minds of the ‘students’.
To make everybody less stressed to stand in front of everybody, I started with introductions.
Everybody than got time to go into the shoot.
Time was a big problem, for we had to be ready in three hours.
Still it surprised me how each of the photographers came with original ideas and how easy I could help them with changing light, posing, expressions and cropping.
I did some shots as a starter to show how you can evolve yourself in the proces of the prepared concept.
At the end I also analysed everybodies attitude in the photoshoots.
A reflection that was nice to show how they can be percieved by a customer.
The weekend was fenomenal. There was a filmcrew to interview people, to show the atmosphere and to show the workshops.
A magnificent idea to go on in the future.
A learningcurve what is way more bigger than in normal workshops.
Also the evenings that gives you the possability to talk about the life of photography, the openess to reflect eachother.
Guy did a mindset, he created the atmosphere that makes you feel special.
As I was telling him: his event breathes, smells, heares and lives photography.
A lifetime experience.
Henk van Kooten
dinsdag 16 februari 2010
Me at work....
zondag 14 februari 2010
Avondlezing 29 maart met Eddy van Wessel.Beeld en Emotie...

Aanmelden avondlezing via info@dutchschoolofphotography.com
Beeld en Emotie
Wat moet ik zeggen om Eddy te introduceren?
Een persoonlijkheid. Gevoelig, integer, groot gevoel voor rechtvaardigheid.
Kwetsbaar, gepassioneerd, maar een fenomenaal vakman.
We kennen Henri Cartier-Bresson, we kennen Robert Cappa, we kennen James Nachtwey.
Maar zeker hoort Eddy van Wessel in dit rijtje.
Zijn foto’s spreken diezelfde taal, hebben zijn signatuur, zien zijn dilemma’s.
Deze avond wordt tevens weer een verbinding tussen de verschillende fotografie-vormen. Beeld en Emotie zijn in alle fotografie elementen die meespelen. Interessant is de echtheids-vraag. Of de intimiteit van het moment.
Ook zullen we werk van Eddy afdrukken en laten zien op verschillende papier-soorten.
Eddy over de avondlezing:
“Ik wil graag ingaan op het gevoel in de foto' dus afgezien van de compositie dingen die je kunt gebruiken om de emotie te laten communiceren.
Oftewel, hoe neem je het gevoel van het moment mee in je foto.
Daarnaast compositie en kracht, waar laat je het publiek naar kijken en wat betekend dat voor de foto”.
“Apparatuur en de mythe daaromheen, je camera is een manier van leven, wat heb je echt nodig?”
Dan: Soundslides:presentatie van zijn werk met multimedia en/of geluid.
Eddy van Wessel
1965 Huizen
Sinds 1985 werkzaam in de fotografie, eerste jaren als commercieel fotograaf maar al snel als fotojournalist.
Publiceert in dagblad Trouw en reportages voor Vrij Nederland ,verder in de buitenlandse media o.a.(Stern, Paris-Match, Le monde, de Washington Post Magazine)
Komt sinds 1991 in Conflict gebiedenen, waaronder Bosnie, Kosovo, Tsjetsjenie, Gaza, Afghanistan.
Trok in 2003 met de eerste troepen richting Baghdad en blijft deze regio frequent bezoeken.
Tijdens deze conflicten gaat van Wessel op zoek naar de kracht van het (over) leven gebundeld in het project “the Edge of Civilization”.
De nadruk van zijn fotografie richt zich op lange termijn fotoreportages waardoor nieuwsbeelden in geschiedenis veranderen.
“the Edge of Civilization” neemt je mee naar o.a. Tsjetsjenie, Gaza, Israël, Iran, Irak, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Georgië.
Het werk van van Wessel is vele malen bekroond in binnen en buitenland , waaronder 2x fotograaf vh jaar.
Zijn werk van wordt internationaal geexposeerd.
1996 Dutch photographer of the year
1996 and 1997 Severel nominations (e.g. Zilveren Camera)
1998 TLC Top Photo Web-Site Award
1999 3rd. price Dutch Photopress Award
1999 Zilveren Camera 3rd price foreign news series
2004 1st. price Dutch Press Photo Awards.
Eddy van Wessel werkt momenteel vanuit Zweden.
maandag 1 februari 2010
Workshop La Coruna Spain

Un poco extraño pero bonito
Acerca de conceptos y proyectos
(a little strange but beautyfull / about concepts and projects)
Another workshop that was a fantastic experience.
In the beautyfull city of La Coruna, the workshop was during the two days
in the amazing conference centre of Palexco.
Spain is different from other countries. The people – photographers are unlimited willing to learn. Every second is taken for important. The purity and openminded way of thinking shows in there evolving photography.
We arrived on the 24th of January at the small airport of La Coruna.
Pablo and Jose picked us up from there.
In the evening we met the ‘translator’ Diaro, a very good photographer from Barcelona.
And of course we were introduced to lots more : Jose’s wife Maria, Pablos wife Raquel and the most beautyfull old man Eliseo.
As much as I am do a school trying to learn Spanish, this is to much.
So I was happy to have Dario around us.
His English was unbelievable good.
Christina was with me to help and do the styling and make up.
The Monday was used to prepare and test.
Setting the Hasselblad, preparing the studio equipment, testing the slideshows and music. Microphones to speak etc etc
Jose and his team of Foto Artus were almost “dead” at the end of the day.
I was very happy that Muel (photographer from Gijon, and a very good friend)
Came over to see us. He is so close to what I feel that we can finish our words.
Tuesday was the start at 10 o’clock.
The programme was made in the vision of the theme.
Basicley I wanted a combination.
Doing four photoshoots ( two each day), it was nice to make connections to slideshow and talking about the why and hows.
Still the scedule was tight and in Spain, scedules change always.
To be flexible is a must.
Everything went very good.
The photoshop and printing was really good to do.
To see output is important.
Using the Nik Software towards black and white, the Dynamic Skinsoftner, The Polaroid Transfer......... good to demonstrate.
The vision of how to look at human shape and bodylanguage is of course my thing.
First we did the photoshoot of a weddingcouple. Outside location, using the entrence of a parking garage, in the shadow, also a huge red wall, aswell as a staircase.
Just have a look at the pictures.
Second shoot was a studioshoot with a ‘fashion-couple’.
The mystery is than something else.
Using strong colours and deep black and whites.
This tuesday ended at 8 pm.
In the evening again good food and nice talks.
The hotel was almost in the towncentre and was really relaxed to be.
The wednesday 27th again a full programme, and complete change of scedule for the photoshoots had to be on different times.
A shoot of two young children (brother/sister) that were accomplished by there grandmother. A difficult thing with young children. Not speaking there language, a very much (too, but understandable)) helping grandmother, did made the little bit anxious children difficult to be photographed.
But we managed.
Last shoot was a young familiy, with children of about 6-8 years old.
They were really cool.
Anyway, we had some good photoshoots to demonstrate.
Dario made his fantastic translation complete by even translating my Spanish line into Spanish.... Realising this stupid moment, we looked at eachother and could not stop laughing.
Combined with slideshow, show how to work on a project, make marketing work, it was after my last slideshow I realised I gave everything and was very emotional. Not expected to get this standing ovation.
Lots of photographers were buying my book dvd, and I was asked quite a lot to be on the picture with them.
Yes, appreciation is something everybody needs. And in this atmosphere it ment a lot to me.
The hospitality, having new friends, have no words to express my feelings.
Worked out the pictures in different ways. Looks cool ...
Henk van Kooten
( look at ; http://www.henkvankooten.com/fhp/project.cfm?id=97&taal=031&site=fhp for the complete portfolio!)
woensdag 20 januari 2010
The extremely interesting ‘confrontation’ between a top choreographer from Introdans, Adriaan Luteijn, his dancer Patricia van Deutekom and about 35

Wijchen, Netherlands, January 18th
Evening Lectures, Dutch School of Photography
Sponsored by :
Epson, Nikon, Arca & Atento, Photal, Eizo, GB Lijsten, Geniaal, Vigor and Lapis Lazuli
Choreographer meets Photographer,
The extremely interesting ‘confrontation’ between a top choreographer from
Introdans, Adriaan Luteijn, his dancer Patricia van Deutekom and about 35 photographers.
Since 1971 Introdans has grown into a top dance company. With a healthy dose of ambition, the company remains true to its mission to present high quality dance to a broad public. Since 2009 Introdans has been designated part of the basic national infrastructure of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. With the Canon of Introdans™, the two dance ensembles present a varied and attractive modern ballet repertoire. Introdans performs in theatres throughout the Netherlands and travels the world: both ensembles are frequent guests on international stages.
The first part of the evening:
Some short movies introduced both, Adriaan and Patricia
Adriaan and Patricia started to explain how a choreographer and a dancer work together to express what they want to show to the public.
After a verbal explanation Adriaan showed the practical part by talking to Patricia what to do.
For this purpose they used a table, to express passion and love with.
First talking only and than with corrections and more extending the choreography with use of music. In between we were allowed to make suggestions to improve the dance.
Use of bodylanguage, expression of life and everything connected to, was something
to experience.
Before the break I tried to resume what was told and how it effects photographers the same. Like Choreographer and Dancer / Photographer and Model.
If correct they inspire eachother, Chor./Dancer.
To feel and anticipate, discipline and communication as well to obey.
Most of all : respect.
Seeing all this ballet and dance I could see posing and composing.
A family composition, use of triangels.
But also the use of a concept and a purpose to have as a goal.
The feeling and emotion: how to imagine this and visualize.
The break of half an hour was good to reflect each others opinions.
The second part we were part of doing “choreography” and posing/modeling.
The A’s and B’s were sets of two to work in this.
Shaping each other on turn was a fantastic experience.
Although my body is not even close to be as flexible as the professionals, I still could do something to express.
This was something most liked very much, for it created an awareness
about the possibility in a photographic way.
When all the bodies were ‘damaged’, we had a kind of round table discussion.
The equations between two different forms of art and how they can effect eachother.
Finally Introdans was kind enough to give away two tickets to a performance of Introdans. This was done by a raffle.
Adriaan was thanked a lot and got the ‘famous’ Orange Jacket of the Dutch School of Photography, designed by ‘eetsj vee keej’
Paricia was thanked with flowers.
And they both received a book “the human chain”
Another fantastic evening ended.
New ways of learning, by the DSoP showed again the effect other artforms can have in the way to approach photography.
Be openminded, and allow your brain to breath!
Till next time:
Jeffery Scott from the USA
Scedule NOW:
25th of March: Evening Lecture- max 50 Participants
26th of March: full day workshop- Max 6-10 Paricipants (very exclusive)
More information will follow in about two-three weeks
Website Jeffery Scott:
Henk van Kooten
dinsdag 5 januari 2010
Photoshoot University Hospital Nijmegen, Antropogenitica

Ever had a question to do a photoshoot of a group of 280 people?
Not just the question, but also the possability to create a piece of art out of it.
Also to have a related subject to the work.
In this case the Antropogenetica.
I chose to use a dna-double helix as a structure to put 280 people in.
The Helix was a piece of furniture now.
The photoshoot took 5 days, and every person was set free from the background.
Than the big job was to put every person in the right position.
The concept and the shoot, than the printing and laminating.
I was really nervous. But it came out fantastic.
Printing: 120x400 cm (47x157 inch – 3,89x12,97 feet) is easy to do on my 11880 epson machine.
The size was about the biggest possible to be on one picture and on one piece of aluminium.
Today we delivered the image.
Wow, that was not easy. With five people walking the stairs, for it did not fit in the elevator to the 5th floor.
The result was fantastic. You need the size to make it work.
The visual impact is huge.
But the effect is also, people start to watch and look, stop and wonder.
The impact is also communicating! That is how it was meant to be.
Not just a bunch of people together, but the effect it has beyond ......
I am proud to have this project done!
Henk van Kooten
zaterdag 2 januari 2010
Avondlezing 18 januari met INTRODANS
Nu al twee keer de avond-lezing een succes was met fotografische input,
gaat het de komende keer heel anders worden.
Communicatie. Lichaamscommunicatie. Fotografie.
Fotografie communiceerd door het nonverbale, door het visualiseren.
Maar wat communiceerd en hoe?
In deze gedachte loopt automatisch de expressie dmv dans en geluid als een
Parallel langs de fotografie.
In ‘anders leren’, wat de DsoP wil doen, is dit element aan de fotograaf gekoppeld.
Het leren van andere vak-kunst beoefenaars is een soort kruisbestuiving.
Het lichaam laat een taal zien die we gebruiken in onze communicatie.
Ruim 80% van onze communicatie bestaat uit het non-verbale.
Daarom die controle van fotografen, als het gaat om poseren, het echte gevoel laten zien. Wat is echt, en waarom wordt dat zo gevoeld.
Dit gaat nu over de expressie die echt is, die je kunt voelen.
In mijn vraag aan Adriaan Luteijn of we samen een programma kunnen maken voor fotografen, was er gelijk een klik.
Een fascinatie voor onze beroepen.
Met de enorma staat van dienst die Adriaan heeft, kunnen we vele kanten op.
Dus enige structuur is wel geboden.
We zaten al snel in een gesprek over deze waarden en normen die ons beider kon verbinden.
En zie hier het resultaat voor de komende avond:
Choreograaf ontmoet Fotograaf
Samen met Patricia van Deutekom (danseres) hebben we een fantastisch programma samengesteld.
In verband met het interactieve en dus ruimte-noodzaak, zijn we deze avond gelukkig te gast bij Photal, aan de Edisonstraat te Wijchen.
Maximaal ongeveer 50 deelnemers. Wees er dus snel bij.
Onze ervaring leerd dat we snel populair zijn geworden en een heel antal hebben zich de vorige keer al gelijk aangemeld.
Het programma is reeds klaar en zal als grove leidraad gebruikt worden.
In deze kerst en nieuwjaarstijden moeten we al vroeg beginnen om iets te organiseren.
Daarom nu deze mail, welke nogmaals in de eerste week van januari zal worden rondgestuurd.
Prettige kerstdagen en een heel goed 2010 toegewenst.
Dat we weer vele fantastische avonden mogen beleven.
Voor nieuwsgierigen nog wat extra info te vinden voor 18 januari:
Tevens te weten dat Introdans een fantastische aanbieding doet voor twee personen:
Een VIP Arrangement voor het programma Holland Amerika Lijn
(in Nijmegen op 3 maart, of op 6 februari in Arnhem)
Wie hiervoor in aanmerking wil komen moet zich bij het melden op de avond inschrijven.
Aan het einde van het programma wordt dan en trekking verricht.
Tot 18 januari 2010,
Henk van Kooten
gaat het de komende keer heel anders worden.
Communicatie. Lichaamscommunicatie. Fotografie.
Fotografie communiceerd door het nonverbale, door het visualiseren.
Maar wat communiceerd en hoe?
In deze gedachte loopt automatisch de expressie dmv dans en geluid als een
Parallel langs de fotografie.
In ‘anders leren’, wat de DsoP wil doen, is dit element aan de fotograaf gekoppeld.
Het leren van andere vak-kunst beoefenaars is een soort kruisbestuiving.
Het lichaam laat een taal zien die we gebruiken in onze communicatie.
Ruim 80% van onze communicatie bestaat uit het non-verbale.
Daarom die controle van fotografen, als het gaat om poseren, het echte gevoel laten zien. Wat is echt, en waarom wordt dat zo gevoeld.
Dit gaat nu over de expressie die echt is, die je kunt voelen.
In mijn vraag aan Adriaan Luteijn of we samen een programma kunnen maken voor fotografen, was er gelijk een klik.
Een fascinatie voor onze beroepen.
Met de enorma staat van dienst die Adriaan heeft, kunnen we vele kanten op.
Dus enige structuur is wel geboden.
We zaten al snel in een gesprek over deze waarden en normen die ons beider kon verbinden.
En zie hier het resultaat voor de komende avond:
Choreograaf ontmoet Fotograaf
Samen met Patricia van Deutekom (danseres) hebben we een fantastisch programma samengesteld.
In verband met het interactieve en dus ruimte-noodzaak, zijn we deze avond gelukkig te gast bij Photal, aan de Edisonstraat te Wijchen.
Maximaal ongeveer 50 deelnemers. Wees er dus snel bij.
Onze ervaring leerd dat we snel populair zijn geworden en een heel antal hebben zich de vorige keer al gelijk aangemeld.
Het programma is reeds klaar en zal als grove leidraad gebruikt worden.
In deze kerst en nieuwjaarstijden moeten we al vroeg beginnen om iets te organiseren.
Daarom nu deze mail, welke nogmaals in de eerste week van januari zal worden rondgestuurd.
Prettige kerstdagen en een heel goed 2010 toegewenst.
Dat we weer vele fantastische avonden mogen beleven.
Voor nieuwsgierigen nog wat extra info te vinden voor 18 januari:
Tevens te weten dat Introdans een fantastische aanbieding doet voor twee personen:
Een VIP Arrangement voor het programma Holland Amerika Lijn
(in Nijmegen op 3 maart, of op 6 februari in Arnhem)
Wie hiervoor in aanmerking wil komen moet zich bij het melden op de avond inschrijven.
Aan het einde van het programma wordt dan en trekking verricht.
Tot 18 januari 2010,
Henk van Kooten
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